Newington Youth Theatre Group


Helping young people develop confidence through theatre at performing arts

Case Study

Most of them were very, very shy when the group first started but have all demonstrated an increased level of confidence and enthusiasm. They are making friends and many have expressed that they are keen for the group to grow in size, which is now happening with new members joining.

They are learning to take turns, to listen, building confidence to speak in front of others and have learnt some British Sign Language.

We asked the children for their feedback, through three simple questions:

1.       What do you like to do in the drama club?

  • I want to perform on a stage and act.

  • I like to wear masks

  • I like dressing up in costumes

  • I like to have fun

2.      Why do you like  coming to drama?

  • It’s fun and I’ve made new friends

  • It’s fun and everyone is so nice, it’s made me not afraid of being in front of people

  • I like acting all the stuff and seeing my friends

3.     What is your favourite thing in the drama club

  • I love the games and the scenes. It’s made me more confident in front of people

  • I love doing the games

  • I love acting and practicing! I love it here! I wish I could do it for 7 years!

Before performing in Roundabout most of the children were nervous, and one said that they were nervous but happy. After the performance the majority were happy or very happy. One child was very apprehensive before and during the performance and needed a lot of extra support. Afterwards he said that he can’t wait to do another one!

Various parents told us that their child’s behaviour at school and/or home had improved, that their child was sleeping better and that their child’s school work had improved.

Many people in the local area have very limited access to the arts or inclusive arts provisions, and so we have been able to start up a provision that will hopefully benefit the local community for the longer term.

Olly and Lucy

Two of the children who joined us online and then in the face-to-face workshops both face challenges. Olly has autism and Lucy also has autism and selective mutism. Olly found it particularly difficult to engage online and they were both very unsure when the workshops were face-to-face. We worked with both of the children to develop their confidence, to feel safe and included. We played lots of ice-breaker games, worked on storytelling and used authentic stage resources (props, costumes and puppets). The puppets were a catalyst to really positive engagement and both of the children joined in the performance in the theatre.

This is a statement from mum:

“Firstly when Lucy joined last year I was worried her selective Mutism would get in the way of her communicating and joining in with the group, now she is confident to read aloud and talk throughout the session. She's always positive and happy to attend drama on a Wednesday and counts down the days during the week. And Olly is just a drama queen 24/7 although he gets anxious to come each week he has a great time once he's there and it's definitely helps with his anxieties around trying new things and meeting new people.”


My daughter Olivia joined Inspiration a few months ago, she went along with her friends out of curiosity and has thrived ever since. Liv is an energetic, vibrant, free spirited little girl, she was always the batman in a sea of princesses!! Liv has been enrolled into many groups i.e. ballet, tae kwon do, brownies etc and she would love it initially but after a few weeks she wouldn't want to go, it became too repetitive, not enough silliness or allowance of opinion. However since joining Inspiration, Liv has made new friends, grown in confidence, performed in 2 performances, encouraged others to join the group and most importantly she looks forward to going every week, even complains that it’s not long enough or not on enough days.

I can't thank Zoe, Peter and the team enough for creating such a diverse, inclusive, encouraging group of young people that promotes individuality, freedom of speech and opinion, fun, music, team building and all in a safe nurturing environment.