Coronation Celebrations in Newington
“These celebrations have been lovely with a real community feel”
Celebrating The king’s Coronation Newington Style.
In celebration of King Charles III’s coronation Newington residents came together to celebrate the event. Newington was awarded funding from Ramsgate Town Council for our residents to participate in a series of fun workshops in the run up to the coronation, finishing with a finale celebration event at The Community Centre (8th May).
Newington’s resident gardener Keven ran a series of gardening workshops for residents which included planting some new plants in the community planters working along side resident Paul.
Paul has many health issues and is isolated from his family since being moved to Newington from his hometown in Bexley. Paul has become an active member within our community and has since adopted a planter of his own after enjoying the workshop so much.
“It has been nice to be involved and not to be sat indoors on my own.” - Paul
Keven also created some wooden templates inspired by the king’s coronation invitation, to decorate the planters to commemorate the occasion. These included the English rose, the Scottish thistle, the Welsh daffodil, the Irish shamrock, the green man, a crown and a silhouette of the king.
Worker Angela ran some creative workshops at the Community Centre and at the assisted living complex Copperfields. Getting residents of all ages involved in getting creative and making decorations and crown making.
“I wasn't expecting little one to sit and get involved, but she got really into making her crown.” - Chloe
Copperfields residents enjoyed a lovely day celebrating with our Community Chef Mike as he created a special coronation tea celebration for all the residents (2nd May). Mike worked with some of our local young people in creating delicious sandwiches and old school tray bakes for the residents to enjoy.
Some of the Copperfields residents are bound to their rooms and are unable to join in certain activities but Mike ensured that all residents weren’t forgotten. He included them all by hand delivering special boxes with the young people, created by Newington’s chill club to each room. Each box included a selection of sandwiches and small slices of each tray bake all labeled with small flags.
Whilst Mike was entertaining the residents inside. Keven was out in the sensory garden with residents planting.
“Dad has had a lovely day. We have a little memorial for Mum in the garden and it has been lovely to do this together.” - Liz
Each Wednesday The Community Centre hold a 2 course Community Lunch for £5. Cooked and served by Mike and his volunteers. So on Wednesday (3rd May) Mike offered a special coronation lunch. Mike and his great team of volunteers put on a lovely lunch which consisted of ham & mustard, tuna, cream cheese & cucumber and a special egg in coronation sauce sandwiches followed by slices of lemon drizzle sponge, old school icing and sprinkle sponge and a delicious chocolate sponge. Which were thoroughly enjoyed by all.

the finale
the finale -
To finish off our fun workshops and to end the bank holiday weekend, we held a 3 hour coronation community event. Families came together for a fun filled afternoon. families planted herbs together in which they could take home to plant themselves.
Children made commemorative medals and coins from air dry clay using King Charles III moulds. in which they got to take home as a keepsake.
Local mum, Hayley Philpott got involved by face painting the children’s faces with union Jacks and even let the children have a go on her face.
“It's all a bit of fun, the kids wanted to try so i let them have a go.” - Hayley
As celebrations kicked off centre manager Cara cracked on in the garden, getting out the BBQ and knocking out a feast of burgers, hot dogs and salad. Followed by sweet treats, snacks and cakes.
“Thank you for this doing this event. Hunter hasn’t stopped talking about it since he’s been home. He has had the best day.” - Kerry S
Thank you to Ramsgate Town Council for funding this with the Ramsgate event fund.